Monday, May 24, 2010

General Anxiety Disorder - Weight

The photos were uploaded from the camera and the evidence was damning. The verdict, she thought, was exactly as she had expected. Yes indeed. You missy, are fat.

There was extra skin under the chin, bulging from underneath her face as she smiled for the camera and a distinct lack of jawline in all of the photos. There was a tightness, across the stomach, of the shirt she was wearing. Plus, she noted, there were some cleverly, yet not completely, disguised tuck-shop lady arms.  Things were getting out of control.

While she knew her clothes were tighter than they were six months before and while she knew she generally felt uncomfortable, she had no idea things had become quite so bad.

She'd been fit for a while. Walking 5kms a day and not eating anything that remotely looked interesting or calorie laden. Now she does 3kms a day while walking the dog and eats everything in sight from pepperoni pizza to chocolate and all the other toxic food groups in between. She drinks more too. Not as much as she used to - but then she didn't eat back then.  Food has officially replaced cigarettes.

"Get it off me" she screamed looking down at her body and assessing if the camera really does add five pounds or in her case, 5kgs.

She looked for comfort and assessed her BMI on a calculator she found on the internet. She discovered that she was two points away from being obese. What the? She quickly emailed a friend for comforting words. They were provided. Perhaps, she thought, it's because I'm big boned.

"Yes, absolutely," said her friend, who was probably delighted to find out that she was verging on obese.
The friend would have probably rumbled with laughter as she typed the comforting message. Such is the way for some "friendships".

It was time to take a stand. And stood she did.


So I'm on a diet. I am on a mission. I am comitted to losing weight (aside from the pizza I had on Friday night along with two bottles of champagne and aside from the cheesey bread stick and packet of chips I had on Saturday to help recover from said bottles of champagne... I am fully comitted).

I have joined the Global Corporate Challenge. It's a walking competition for people who sit on their bums all day playing capitalism. I am in a team with six others and we have to log our steps each day. The result is a virtual tour around the world. The virtual tour is more naff than I thought - and would not have been possible without Google streetview, but the competition with others is great and the competition with myself is even better.  So much so that on Friday I walked an astonishing and cellulite curdling 4,000 steps yet on the weekend I walked an amazing 38,000 steps. Bam! I am on a roll now. Here's hoping I loose a dress size soon.

I'll keep you, ahem, posted.

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