Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I've been having an affair

Not the usual thing one should disclose on a blog. But there it is. I've been having an affair. It's been going on for some time, about 8 months and it's serious.

I probably should disclose, now, that the affair is with my Iphone.

I am in love with my Iphone. I'm addicted to it and when I thought it had died on Sunday, I nearly lost my sh*t.

I spent my entire Sunday synching the Iphone with my computer, so that I could download a song from Itunes. Seemed like a relatively simple request - but turned out, not so much.

Eight hours, I sat by my Iphone's side, testing it, pushing it, wriggling it, googling cures, possible viruses etc.

When it finally came good, after I had worn through the floor with pacing, I felt was relieved. As I picked up my iphone and held it to my cheek, softly caressing the case I felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders.

Ridiculous. Yes. Absolutely. Without a doubt. Can I stop myself from checking my phone, playing with my phone updating my phone? No.

Sometimes when I'm playing with my phone after my husband has walked out of the room, I feel like, when he walks back in, that I am busted. That I have been caught out, cheating on him with the Iphone. I am not entirely sure why. I am only emailing friends, texting friends and reading updates on Facebook. Honestly, not that riveting or pornographicaaly inappropriate for that matter. I just feel like I shouldn't be so attached to it. I was like this with my blackberry though and that was just for work. I kept checking it every time the red light flashed, I knew I had a message, that someone from work needed me. Of course it was never pressing, it was usually some unnecessary crap from some quick-to-sycophant person who would write emails on the weekend to show how dedicated they were at their job. At least now, I am addicted to a personal phone - and am enjoying connecting with friends again.

On the downside I can't seem to quite live without my Iphone. It has become a life source. I am in love. Without it, I will hyperventilate and perhaps have a panic attack.

Pass the brown. paper. bag, if that ever happens.

1 comment:

  1. no need to explain yourself...i understand completely. if i ever thought my iphone stopped working i would be throwing myself on the floor in a hysterical fit of rage! i love it so!
