Saturday, November 20, 2010

The curious case of how to meet your baby.

I just want to mention that I have added a guest post on a beautiful young woman’s blog:
about a Malaysian food experience we recently enjoyed while in KL. Please pop over and check it, and her blog, out – particularly if you want to devour her recent food experience of Greece!


We watch a lot of “How I met your mother”. It wasn’t a love at first viewing thing. In fact, it was only when some friends recommended the show by piling the entire series on DVD into our hands with enthusiastic faces did we sit down and dedicate any real time to the show. And it made us laugh, out loud.

LSH was even so bold as to say it was better than “Friends”. In some ways yes, the relationships seemed to have more depth. In others, no, because it wasn’t quite as funny and the characters weren’t exaggerated versions – to the point of caricature. I guess that’s what LSH liked about it so much.

The show is very clever in the way in a couple of ways. It uses flashbacks to excess, but in a fantastic and hilarious way. It also uses a continuing theme to tie multiple episodes, which are not necessarily obviously related, together. There’s one character, Marshall, who is allowed to punch his mate, Barney, five times – and every season there’s an episode dedicated to “the punch”. It’s exactly like a real friendship where the past is often brought up in moments of hilarity.

There’s also an obsession with doppelgangers. Marshall and Lilley, the married couple, have a pact that dictates when they see each of their friends’ doppelganger the universe is telling them to have a baby.

LSH and I have discovered we have a similar thing. While away on holiday I brought to LSH’s attention that some of the people who passed us on the street looked, to me, as if they were the Asian versions of some of the Caucasian people we know at home.

It’s a particular idiosyncrasy that when I look at someone an element of their face will often remind me of someone else.  This is better than my friend who looks at people and sees animals. She’s forever telling me that such and such looks like a rat. Or such and such looks like a lizard. Personally, I prefer to tell people they look like movie stars.

For instance I have a friend who has the same lips as Angelina Jolie. Another who has Angelina’s eyes.  I know someone who has Daniel Craig’s nose. It’s like Kym Valentine (Libby of Neighbours) reminds me of Cathy Freeman, I even think their accents are similar. LSH mainly humours these ideas, acknowledging only that I am slightly mental, but he certainly started to warm up to the Asian doppelganger idea. I pointed out a guy who looked like our friend’s husband, even a guy who looked like LSH’s boss. Suddenly he started getting into the groove and pointing out some of his own examples. Saying of that woman looks like your friend Susan, or that woman has hair like her friend Mary. Granted his examples were much more tenuous and inaccurate than mine…but he was getting the general idea.

It was then that we decided to steal from “How I met your mother.” We’ve been deliberating about a baby for a long time now. Do we? Don’t we? If we do, when? If we don’t, will we change our minds in a few years and it’ll be too late? But now we have a decision. When we see the Asian version of LSH and the Caucasian version of me,  we know we should try to have a baby. Of course, we didn’t see the Asian version of LSH or the opposite version of me while on holiday and haven’t seen anyone even remotely close since. So, the universe is sending a message, loud and clear, that we shouldn’t have a baby yet. Message received universe. That solves that dilemma, quite nicely, doesn’t it?

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