Monday, December 13, 2010

A day of Facebook updates

“Marbles loves it when the alarm goes off in the morning and she throws a lazy, tired arm across LSH’s chest for five minutes of snoozing, before taking the dog for a walk.

“Marbles smiles widely at her dog who walks like a crazed lunatic.

“…dislikes looking at a wardrobe full of clothes that seem never to be quite good enough and don’t match any one pair of her boxes of shoes. Anyway, she would rather wear pyjamas to work instead. She also believes that one should be judged on one’s ability to one’s work, not by one’s clothes. She storms off to the bathroom with determination to start her new world order, but knows she’ll end up at the shops at lunch, instead. 

“…arrives at work, early, in a bid to get a kickstart on her day. But due to new found memory loss and truncated attention span, can’t remember why she’s even there in the first place.

“…does not enjoy being talked at by people who talk about themselves and their activities in terms of money. “I drank an $200 bottle of wine last night”. “I rode my $7000 bike on the weekend.” “I’ve just had a $30k pool put in.” She wishes somebody would save her from this boring self promotion/absorption.

“ …Tunes out in most meetings and really rather likes the smell of nikko and petrol. She wonders if tuning out and sniffing toxins are related?

“…thinks that perhaps some people are sent to drive her crazy.

“…gets cranky when LSH takes four hours to reply to her email. What do you want to eat for dinner?!!!!

“…also finds herself getting cranky at people who have the audacity to call  instead of email her. She dislikes talking on the telephone about work. Email and face to face are fine, thank you.

“…is starting to wish it was the end of day, week, month year.

“…is troubled that she’s wishing her life away and doesn’t seem to achieve much except working, drinking and eating.

“…spends much of her day wondering about the point of her existence and the meaning of life. Then gets sidetracked and starts thinking about new shoes and exercise.

“…pushes things around, walks with purpose and plays this little game called “grown ups”.

“…leaves the office and has supreme case of road rage after total muppet changes lanes in front of her without indicating and nearly cuts off the front end of her car. Sadly, the driver of the other car did not notice her wild gesticulating and jumping around in her seat in anger. Others, however, did. Now she’s worried she’s made a dick of herself… again.

“…opens bottle of wine (not $200 worth) at home and sits on the couch.

“…enjoys a nice comfy snuggle with dog and LSH and wonders when she’ll win the lotto.

“…speaks to electricity people and narrowly avoids major confrontation. She sighs, finds the fish bowl and fills it with wine. *Drinks*.

“…is pissed and off to bed.


  1. How did we ever survive before Facebook, when we didn't know what anyone was doing at any time of the day? Great post!

  2. Thank you Kellyansapansa. I agree, Facebook has changed our lives. Yet to determine if for the better.


  3. hahaha - I love this post! Probably because I can so relate to everything - especially the nikko and petrol-sniffing reference. My head is spinning just thinking about it - I think it's a fabulous way to while away those tedious meetings. x
