Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It's a mighty punch and a kick

I’ve a new thing to be anxious about – some other series of thoughts with which to knot my stomach. These thoughts are about the fact that it appears the planet might very likely explode kind of soonish.

It appears mother nature has had enough of my big feet stomping all over the earth. She’s tired of your feet too.  Frankly, she hates us all. She’s the geek in school, the one all us “cool” kids made fun of, ignored, treated like a pariah while blowing smoke in her face from our big fat cigarettes and now she’s turned into an enormous angry mother and is seeking her revenge.

We’ve been in drought, had 6% water in our dams, we’ve then been flooded with 197% water in our dams and we’ve had a cyclone or two, bush fires and now a massive earthquake in New Zealand.

Something about the footage from New Zealand drags on my heart strings. Sure I watched the footage of Haiti and I was both moved and saddened. But in counties with low GDP, I sort of callously expect their buildings to crumble when their foundations are shaken from underneath. I don’t expect New Zealand’s to.

I’ve seen devastating footage of earthquakes in California, but their earthquakes seem so much more severe, with giant rips through layers of bitumen – it’s an earth split, rather than an earth shake. 

So this Earth shake has, in an instant, left families without their mothers. This image I saw online, scratched at my throat. The look on the boys face as he tries to swallow his sob captures it all. Just one moment and someone you love is gone in a horrific natural disaster.

I regularly say to LSH after part of our country is affected by flash flooding that it would be the worst thing, in my mind, to have my life or the life of someone I love, taken in a natural disaster. There’s no good way to go, I can’t imagine anything is good, after all, grief is grief. But to get up, say, “I love you, have a good day and I hope you’ve packed your lunch” before heading off to work, only to either be swept away in some random flooded river water or have your office wall crash down around you, that’d be, again, in my view, very very shit.  More than shit, actually, completely fuckety fucked.

A split second changes it all. It’s mental. It’s crazy. I can’t get my little brain around it.

I know trite platitude after trite platitude: life’s fragile, special, short etc etc blah blah, but we never think it when we’re in it. I spend so my time wondering what I should be doing with my life, as I run round and around in circles chasing some invisible goal, but there are those moments, that unify us for a moment and quiet the dull drone inside our heads a feel something for someone we don’t know.

So, I have a knot in my stomach, and it’s getting bigger with every mighty punch from mother nature, as I am more convinced that I’ll have no choice, it’ll all end with a massive natural disaster.

I really hope the planet calms down soon, it’s getting to be beyond a very bad joke. 

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