Wednesday, June 9, 2010

General Anxiety Disorder - Weight update

2345 steps. Turns out, it's impossible for me to do any walking while I'm at work.

After some further research into the BMI - it is practically impossible for me to be in a healthy weight range. The BMI expects me to lose 15kgs to be healthy. The last time I weighed 15kgs lighter than what I do right now, I didn't eat for half of the week because I couldn't afford food (well I could, but wine and cigarettes were WAY more important). So while I need to drop a dress size to get back to normal, I am much more relaxed about the whole thing. I think I'm about half way there. Hoorah.

Meanwhile I am completely over the Corporate Global Challenge and wearing this pedometer every minute of the day (well when I remember to at the very least). I will wear it this weekend though - I'm walking 20ks for fun on Monday. Bring that on.


  1. Hi there - I found you over at Blog This and am your newest follower!

    I'm doing the GCC too, for the third year in a row. Every year I swear that I'm going to maintain a 10,000+ average and every year I fail dismally. I already have a 100,000 step deficit this year. Grrr.

    Funnily enough, I'm doing a 10km charity walk tomorrow. Good luck with your 20km!

  2. The BMI thing scares the hell out of me if I am really honest (which mostly I am) because the last time I came close I was a teenager in the throngs of an eating disorder. Talk to a professional, that scale is mad, in my opinion.

    Popped over from Blog This. In case you were wondering where the mildly ranting women came from..!? :oD

  3. Kellyansapansa - I can't believe how many companies are doing the GCC. I didn't even know it existed until this year. Yes, I too am behind in my steps. I thought I would stumble 10,000 steps easilly - but alas. No. 20ks was awesome - 24,000 odd steps, a sore back, sore thighs and sore feet. Hope your 10ks went well.

    Melissa@sugarcoatit - you're right, the BMI is nuts. I agree it's impossible to live within the boundaries unless one becomes unhealthy and that's just a no go these days.

    I'm delighted to see you both here and I have popped over, perved at, enjoyed and am now following both your blogs.

